INNER CHILD CLASS: Tinselling Shahzaman
Parent-child chaos-love for the younger brother when it's around Thanksgiving time
Service Description
What better way to reconnect with your inner child than to take a class with one! Suitable for both kids and adults. This is a Tinselling Play class, inspired by the British toy theatre tradition of tinselling: adding decorative shiny bits to a toy theatre of posters of famous actors of the day. This was done with great care and back in the day you could buy pre-cut and stamped designs to stick on. A folk art that came from the streets, there are no right answers and no restraints apart from health and safety and all fun is encouraged. All welcome, especially children, both young and small. Shahzaman The man The younger brother Who was damned By his wife who was Sleeping with another man Shahzaman is bronze. The portions of sharing and interaction during this Play class will not be recorded due to the presence of young children. If you do use the painting as part of your artwork please acknowledge its originating source, it is good practice. Cameras must be on at all times. Adults please look after your kids and everyone use common sense. There is a mute button if needed and come with an open mind. Add some chaos magic to your works with children animating the mix. Play is essential to humanity. You will need: Sequins, Swarovski crystals, gold dust, stardust, fairy dust, pixie dust, magic dust, all in a variety of colours and sizes. And any other decorative items, bits, bobs and spangles you find or have lying around that can be stuck on with ordinary glue. Glue. Tweezers desirable but children must be supervised at all times. Glitter is now banned (in my house!). Download the poster pin up of Shahzaman from the Miniature Painting Forum and print on A3 or A4 paper, or print, trace and transfer your own. More info also at the Forum (copy/paste link). You are welcome to paint the robes and decorate and ornament as you like.