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Code: CLASS10
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expires 29 Dec 2024
expires 27 Dec 2024
Using an Everyman/Everywoman/Everyperson miniature stem-cell figure from which characters sprout, these artists created their very own characters. One miniature of a dervish was the baseline inspirational figure and although traditionally male, we flouted the rules - the theatre and pantomime regularly do. This year we have dealt with both stock characters that are a kind of shorthand for the viewer as well as fleshed-out, alive, nuanced people with personalities. The stock types deal with recognised categories; we designed characters who don’t easily fit into boxes. We made real, interesting personages and create guises and disguises that beguile. We took the idea of the Guild processions and Tarot archetypes to represent different strata of society, as if the character was in a play, the game of life, the veiled illusion that is the theatre of the world.
The artists researched and borrow bits from other miniatures and grafted them onto their figures. They repurposed actual historic figures. They invented entirely new ones. They added accessories, hats and fun shoes related to their interests. The result is a small yet colourful collection of characters in 2024's end-of-year show. The Characters classes linger on for a small while into 2025 and then give way to Animals and Oddities as we continue with our merry procession through the corpus of miniature painting. It's a mad frolicking world that loves life and dancing in the margins.
Merve Bilgel
Plump Lady Daya
Shell gold, lapis lazuli and opaque watercolour on paper
15 x 8 cm
Abdullah Qutb Shah
24ct gold, homemade watercolour and walnut ink from artist’s garden walnut tree on paper
14.85 x 31 cm
Abdullah Qutb Shah, ruler of Deccan Golconda from 1626-1672, here pictured in jama (garment) and the Qutb Shahi’s typical farji (sleeveless jacket) in gold.
Courtier of Shah Jahan
24ct gold, homemade watercolour and walnut ink from artist’s garden walnut tree on paper
14.85 x 31 cm
Clio Lloyd-Jacob
Each Generation's Task
Opaque watercolour on paper
24 x 33 cm
Clio Lloyd-Jacob
Unsupported Platform
Opaque watercolour on paper
24 x 33 cm
Catherine Shaw
Liana - Time Travelling Goth Musketeer
Watercolour and ink on paper
8 x 12 inches
An Imaginal Character participating in Pageantry For Peace
As inscribed on her skirt - Her motto is ‘All for One, and One for All” (from the 3 Musketeers).
She travels around the universe addressing whatever needs addressing for balance, joy or Just Because.
She recently won a Gold medal in the 2024 Paris (Earth) Universal Olympics for the Heptathlon (7 events), winning in Integrity, Diplomacy, Multiversal Sense of Humour, Time Travel Mastery,
MultiUniversal Cultural Knowledge and Understanding, Intergalactic Cuisine (not everywhere likes chocolate) and High Adventures.
The gold medal is on her belt.
Also on her belt are: a mini cake tin, carrying the recipe of the day wherever she is going…
a mini Dr Who Tardis (from Dr Who), partly as a time travel back up device and partly because when she knocks on the mini door, it expands to full size,
where she has a luxury bathroom, a fully fitted kitchen and a wardrobe of clothing even though she mostly wears the same things….. (as well as the required travel technologies).
A Babel fish (from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) Just pop it in the ear and it gives you the ability to speak and understand in any and all ever existing, or to exist, languages,
by all of life everywhere. (Asteroids included)
A medicine pouch carrying the Healing Power of Nature.
A notebook and pencil, because she is an old fashioned girl at heart…..
In her right hand she is holding her Shape-Shifting-Snake-Rod. This can transform into any creature, any tool or weapon, at her will.
Usually it just looks like a stick, apart from when she visits the Stick People, she wouldn’t want to be accused of appropriation……..
In her left hand she holds her time travelling device. Her left hand is more muscular than her right, as it takes a certain digital prowess to operate the device.
She is just about to set off…..