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BOOK of DAYS: Calendar Volvelles

Volvelles as calendars

  • Ended
  • 399 British pounds
  • Online


Service Description

Calendars: 1. Gregorian calendar: Almanac 2. Persian calendar: One of the world’s oldest 3. Indian calendar: Barahmasa 4. Chinese calendar: 24 Solar Terms There are generally either solar or lunar calendars, or lunisolar calendars. We may cover the lunar calendar in a future book of the moon. I’ve also been reading an almanac for the UK this year and tracking time, cycles and seasons. The Persian calendar begins in spring (March). (Arabic and Islamic calendars will be covered in a separate class…) It’s also the most accurate solar calendar today. We may think we’ve passed a millennium and are in 2023 but actually we’re also in 1402! The Indian Barahmasa ’12 months’ is actually a poetic genre, incorporating the story of a woman longing for her lover, so there are love and moods thrown in here along with the weather (fitting!). Finally the Chinese have not 12 but 24 specific solar terms which helped its ancient agrarian society live in tune with the seasons. This class is an introduction into calendar or time division systems from various cultures and fits very well into the volvelle theme, since the idea of calendars are perpetual and the world is not going to end…yet. Our volvelle calendars will be mostly visual. People are serious about their almanacs: they even choose marriage partners based on them. For the volvelles you need paper fasteners initially, and possibly some thread for future (ideally silk, but any thread will do). Also a compass to draw circles, and ideally a compass circle cutter or rotary cutter - if not, then scissors will do. And a scalpel, Stanley or paper knife. From miniature books to pocket books to small books that fit into the open palms of your hand: these books are the next size up, so more leather and materials are used. (Double, in fact, as I insist on a leather doublure inside rather than just paper, for the books to be truly luxurious works of art.) Class includes a bespoke handmade leather envelope-flap cover to paint and free postage to anywhere in the world. Sent separately depending on production schedules. Make your own library of handmade Islamic style books! Please note: 4 sessions: Wed 1 Nov, 11pm Thu 9 Nov, 8pm Wed 15 Nov, 11pm Wed 22 Nov, 11pm There is no session on 29 Nov.

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