January Island Class: Medieval Islands
Islands in January
Service Description
As ever, I find myself thinking about islands in January (why is that?). Following on with the starry theme, here are some navigators in the Indian Ocean and a starry night sky by the Master of Egerton. They have got the turquoise colour of the ocean around islands right and there is a sense of calm despite slightly choppy waters as well as the anticipation of unforeseen wonders to be found… islands are, among other things, sites of wonders. I wrote a thesis on islands here (copy/paste if interested): https://www.academia.edu/38140696/FLOATING_ISLANDS_THE_FLOATING_AND_WANDERING_ISLAND_IN_MEDIEVAL_AND_RENAISSANCE_CULTURE_AND_ISOLARII This class can be paired with the later Wonders of Creation class, where we focus on the weird things they found on these islands.