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MARGINS: Artists in the Margins II

The margins of a manuscript page

349 British pounds


Service Description

This class continues - and finishes - the marginal artists, before we dive into Margins proper. We pay homage to past Indian and Persian master artists. I've collated many of the known and named portraits of them here, and you can arrange them however you like on your sheet (you don't have to copy the arrangement here - particularly as we'll keep things more or less to scale, this is just so they all fit into one image on the screen). The artists are: Abd Al Samad, Behzad (yes!), Balchand, Farrukh Beg, Keshav Das, Bagta, Payag, Manaku, Nainsukh (yes!) Fattu, Khushala, Kama, Gaudhu, Nikka, Ranjha (the generations after Nainsukh), Golu, Purkhu of Kangra, Sahib Ram. I wasn't able to find an image of Dharamdas (one of my favourite artists!). Nor Sultan Muhammad (another one!), nor Mansur. However their legacy is in their work! These are all the images I could find of named artists to complete this two-part class. PLEASE NOTE: there are 6 sessions, not 7, and there is no class on 7 November. In the previous class we covered Daulat (the painter of the margin himself), Abul Hasan, Manohar, Bishandas, Govardhan and a random attendant and patron. If you've taken this class you can simply carry on with the same sheet of paper. Margins: a new series focusing on the margins of a manuscript page. These are as important as the main image. We first start by honouring past artists with their coloured portraits - in the Mughal school we can see named figures in the margins - and then move on to more fantastic margins, also involving gold. All part of the deep dive into the book arts. You will need teastained and prepared paper ready for class unless otherwise indicated. This is so that gold (if done in class - not all classes require gold) shows up more beautifully. Instructions for this. can be found on the Forum: (search for Paper Prep). We give as much importance, love and attention to details to the margins as to the main image. Upcoming are fantastic beasts and creatures including the dragon and simurgh, lots of gold, sessions on colourful margins that are more interesting than their main image, possibly even some gold sprinkling. Also to think about are different paper types; dyed margins; blues, pinks and turquoises. Perhaps the stories in the margins tell us more…

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