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POISON: Venus Flytrap & Pitcher Plant

Poison Vespertine Series: Carnivorous Plants & Night Blooming Flowers

195 British pounds


Service Description

I urgently need to study and understand these by thoroughly painting them in a detailed way. We need to recognise these poisonous plants so we know what we’re dealing with. One person’s poison is another person’s medicine. We need to cover the dark side, too. And also use glow in the dark paint. I’ve used this extensively before. This is the nighttime’s equivalent of the daytime’s gold and gilding for me. I love anything glow in the dark and so do my kids. If there is a choice between the ordinary version, and a glow in the dark version, I’ll go for the latter. In the spirit of the best of both worlds, glow in the dark paint looks good during the day AND at night. I like to kill two birds with one stone wherever possible (comes with having hardly any time). Optional indigo papers at the ready! The Moonflower or Datura is BOTH night blooming and poisonous… or shamanic and medicinal, depending on where you’re from! It would be fun to paint 3 small versions of it closed, opening and fully open - some fantastic 5-fold geometry in movement there! (Also happens to be my favourite number geometry - so related to the movement of life itself) For more info and images, join the free forum at

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